Media Picker

The media-picker provides an easy way to use the media manager as a powerful formfield for your BREADs.

Picking files

There are two ways to pick files.

  1. Double click the file you want to pick

  2. Select multiple files and hit the button "Select X files"

::: info Files that are already picked will be removed when picking them again :::



Defines the maximum amount of files that can be picked. 0 means infinity. When using 1 as the maximum, the currently picked file will automatically be replaced when picking another.

Meta properties

This option lets you add simple textboxes to every picked file. For example, when you want to pick images, you could add a title and an alt-tag. Click + to add a new property and add the key (for example title) and the textbox placeholder (Title).

::: info Meta properties are translatable. Simply toggle the locale and enter the translated text! :::

Mime types

With this field you can decide which files can be uploaded and picked. Simply add a new item and insert the mime-types you want to support. Here are some examples:

  • image/jpg - only allow JPG images

  • image/* - allow all images

  • directory - display directories

When no types are defined all are allowed.

::: warning Note that a mime-type can not be guessed for all files. Always consider official resources like the official IANA MIME type list. :::

Using media files in your model

Voyager provides a simple way to retreive files in your model. To use it, include the trait:


namespace App;

use Voyager\Admin\Traits\HasMedia;

class MyModel
    use HasMedia;

    // ...

You can now call media(field) where field is the column you use in the formfield. media() will always return a collection containing your files.

The following properties exist on each item in the collection:

  • Disk - The disk where the file is stored

  • Path - The relative path to the disk

  • Name - The name of the file

  • URL - The fully qualified URL of this file

Meta properties

Meta properties are automatically translated and injected into the items. If you defined a meta prop title you can access it like $model->media('field')->first()->title


When a file has thumbnails you can iterate them like:

foreach ($mymodel->thumbnails as $thumbnail) {

or get a thumbnail by its name like:

$mymodel->thumbnails->where('thumbnail', 'crop')->first();

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