
Chances are very high that you want your plugin to be able to provide Javascript and/or CSS. This can be done by implementing a contract and providing a method returning your assets as plain text. Directly providing your assets allows you to simply develop your plugin and releasing it - without the need to re-publish files with any change. Don't worry - Voyager takes care of caching your assets.


Implement the contract Voyager\Admin\Contracts\Features\Features\Provider\JS and provide a method provideJS() returning a string containing your Javascript code.

::: info A formfield plugin automatically implements the JS contract. You don't need to do this manually! :::

Read more about public Javascript APIs here


Implement the contract Voyager\Admin\Contracts\Features\Features\Provider\CSS and provide a method provideCSS() returning a string containing your CSS.


use Voyager\Admin\Contracts\Plugins\GenericPlugin;
use Voyager\Admin\Contracts\Plugins\Features\Provider\{CSS, JS};

class VoyagerDocs implements GenericPlugin, CSS, JS
    // ...

    public function provideCSS(): string
        return file_get_contents('path/to/your/asset.css');

    public function provideJS(): string
        return file_get_contents('path/to/your/asset.js');

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